Table of Contents

React Native Circle Menu

CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations.

Demo image: React Native Circle Menu


  • Ramotion

Made with

  •  CSS / Javascript
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React Native Bubble Menu

A Bubble menu effect for your react native application, work very well with react-native-verctor-icons.

Demo image: React Native Bubble Menu


  • Dante Cervantes

Made with

  •  CSS / JS
Demo and Download

React Native Circular Menu

A ripple menu effect for your React native application.

Demo image: React Native Circular Menu


  • Dante Cervantes

Made with

  • CSS  / JS
Demo and Download

React Native Off Canvas Menu

Beautifully crafted off canvas menu components for react native applications.

Demo image: React Native Off Canvas Menu


  • Provash Shoumma

Made with

  • JS
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React Contexify

Add a context menu to your React app with ease.

Demo image: React Contexify


  • Fadi Khadra

Made with

  • JS
Demo and Download

React Native Popup Menu

Extensible popup menu component for React Native for Android, iOS.

Demo image: React Native Popup Menu


  • instea

Made with

  • JS
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React Metismenu

A ready / simple to use, highly customizable, updateable, ajax supported, animated and material designed menu component for React.

Demo image: React Metismenu


  • H.Alper Tuna

Made with

  • JS
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Radial Menu

React native radial menu.

Demo image: Radial Menu


  • Bogdan Silivestru

Made with

  • JS
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React Path Menu

Path fly out menu recreated using React Motion.

Demo image: React Path Menu


  • Nash Vail

Made with

  • JS
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React Motion Menu

A spring animation menu component for React.

Demo image: React Motion Menu


  • bokuweb

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  • JS
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React DD Menu

React dropdown menu.

Demo image: React DD Menu


  • Mikkel Laursen

Made with

  • JS
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React Menu Aim

A React mixin version of Amazon’s jQuery-menu-aim plugin.

Demo image: React Menu Aim


  • Sen Yang

Made with

  • JS
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React Context Menu

Context menu implemented in React.

Demo image: React Contextmenu


  • Vivek Kumar Bansal

Made with

  • JS
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React Burger Menu

An off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.

Demo image: React Burger Menu


  • Made by Imogen Wentworth

Made with

  • CSS
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Customizable Side Menu For React Native

Side menu component for React Native.

Demo image: Customizable Side Menu For React-Native


  • React Native Community

Made with

  • JS
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React Aria Menubutton

React component (set of components, really) that will help you build accessible menu buttons by providing keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes aligned with the WAI-ARIA Menu Button Design Pattern.

Demo image: React Aria Menubutton


  • David Clark

Made with

  • JS
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React Tree Menu Component

A stateless tree menu component for React.
Demo image: React Tree Menu Component


  • Mandarin Drummond

Made with

    • JS
Demo and Download

React Menu

React menu component.

Demo image: React Menu

Made with

  • JS
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